I am getting one of these for a couple of weeks to review. Below is the press release, so feel free to take a gander, but expect some personal words from me on the phone in 14 days...
The Linksys Wireless Skype Phone is a new cordless phone that takes free Skype Internet phone calling off the computer and puts it into the hands of callers. The phone provides callers with a convenient alternative to making free Skype calls, giving them the freedom to make the calls wherever they are in the home or office.
The kit includes a handset, charger and a USB base station that plugs into a computer’s USB port. The handset can read and display callers’ Skype contact list on its built-in illuminated display, letting callers know which of their Skype contacts are online and ready to be called.
The handset also supports SkypeOut, SkypeIn and Skype Voicemail, low-cost premium services that allow callers to make and receive calls to family, friends and colleagues using traditional landlines or mobile phones, and send and receive messages up to 10 minutes long. It rings when a Skype or SkypeIn call comes in, and shows the caller’s ID on the screen. The mute button allows for privacy, while the speakerphone function can be used to let others join in. The phone can even be used as an intercom, as each base station supports up to four handsets.
In short, the Linksys Wireless Skype Phone provides all the functionality of a regular phone, through Skype. It offers the convenience of a cordless phone and all its features, plus the high-quality voice reception obtained from Skype on the PC, without being tied to the computer.
Comstor is the exclusive local distributor and is able to advise on the nearest distributor with stock. Louis Cloete, Linksys Product Manager, can be contacted on 011 233 3333. The recommended retail price is R1199.
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